Facility Enquiry
Swim School
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Your Swimming Journey
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Facility Enquiry
Swim School
Why Swimming?
Your Swimming Journey
Our Promise
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What Parents & Children say
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Your Swimming Journey
Stage 1:
Let’s get wet
Develop basic safety awareness
Learn to swim, float and glide with aids
Blow bubbles and submerge the face
Work towards swimming without aids
Jump in with assistant
Stage 2:
Let’s swim by ourselves!
Jumping in independently
Swim independently up to 5m
Float, glide and submerge without aids
Develop kick on front and back
Stage 3:
Let’s swim strokes!
Swim front crawl and back crawl up to 10m
Go under and retrieve an object
Push and glide and rotate
Stage 4:
Let’s get kicking
Kick 10 metres backstroke, front crawl, butterfly, and breaststroke
Perform a sequence of shapes
Stage 5:
Let’s get skilful
Develop confidence in the deep end
Perform three different shape jumps into deep water
Push, glide, and swim 10 metres backstroke, front crawl, butterfly, and breaststroke
Stage 6:
Let’s dive in!
Perform a surface dive
Develop coordinated breathing, swim all strokes with at least six rhythmical breaths
Understand water safety, perform a ‘shout and signal’ rescue
Swim 10m with clothes on, swim 25 metres (optional stroke)
Swim England Learn to Swim Complementary Awards
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